BENEFITS: Fewer Tests Fail for Unimportant Variations. Reliably Identifies Important Changes.

KEY FEATURES: Masks for Bit-map and ASCII Files. Full SMARTS Compatibility. Command Line Execution Option.

APPLICATIONS: Testing of All Types: Local, Client/Server, Remote.

TestWorks INDEX VALUE: +70 Points if >50% PASS ratios maintained.

EXDIFF is TestWorks' extended file differencing system; it runs alone or works as part of TestWorks/Regression. EXDIFF extends commonly available file-comparison utilities by comparing files of various logical structures. EXDIFF processes ASCII, and binary files, and bitmap image files saved either with TestWorks/Regression's capture/playback system, CAPBAK/X, or the standard X Window dump utility, xwd.

EXDIFF provides feature-rich masking options to allow user-specified areas within ASCII or image files that are unimportant to be disregarded during the differencing process. EXDIFF's reverse mask option enables inverse processing of an image file mask, where only the user-specified area is compared during the differencing process.

Xexdiff, the X Window System version of EXDIFF, performs a pixel-by-pixel comparison of two saved image files and optionally displays compared images. Two modes are available, either fully compatible with the standard UNIX diff utility (using the exdiff utility), or for more reliable differencing, using the EXDIFF system. Both modes can compare two ASCII files as line-oriented or byte-oriented files, also maskable by lines, columns, windows, regions and patterns.

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